Reducing Emissions from Livestock




FAO. 2019. Five practical actions towards low-carbon livestock. Rome

Five practical actions that can be widely implemented for measurable and rapid impacts on livestock emissions:...

Reducing Emissions from Livestock


FAO. 2019. Five practical actions towards low-carbon livestock. Rome

Five practical actions that can be widely implemented for measurable and rapid impacts on livestock emissions: ...

Reducing Emissions from Livestock


EIP-AGRI Focus Group on Reducing emissions from cattle farming: Final report

The EIP-AGRI Focus Group on reducing emissions from cattle farming explored possibilities for mitigating emissions of methane and ammonia from cattle - and their cost-effectiveness. This final report summarises the findings of the mini papers and the discussions during the two Focus Group expert meetings. ...

Reducing Emissions from Livestock

New Zealand

Global partnerships in livestock emissions research

Livestock emissions account for about 11% of global greenhouse gas emissions. These emissions are from enteric fermentation manure management systems manure deposited directly on pasture. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions from livestock farming is of critical importance if the sector is to respond to climate change in a meaningful way at the same time as sustainably contributing to food production...

Reducing Emissions from Livestock


Tackling climate change through livestock

Possible interventions to reduce emissions are thus, to a large extent, based on technologies and practices that improve production efficiency at animal and herd levels. They include the use of better quality feed and feed balancing to lower enteric and manure emissions. Improved breeding and animal health help to shrink the herd overhead and related emissions. ...

Reducing Emissions from Livestock


Compilation of greenhouse gas emission and removal factors in Brazilian livestock

The research provides data on GHG emissions and removals for the different enteric fermentation processes of small and large ruminants, monogastric organisms, as well as the determination of GHG flows in areas where fish, oysters and mussels are grown. The Compilation was then organized considering the large groups of animal production, resulting in the following chapters: I. Small Ruminants (shee...

Reducing Emissions from Livestock


Kenya aims to reduce livestock methane emissions without sacrificing productivity

The Climate and Clean Air Coalition is helping Kenya increase its methane mitigation ambitions by building technical capacity and implementing climate smart strategies to lower emissions without economic sacrifice. Kenya is stepping up its Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) ambition by committing to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 32 per cent by 2030 while bearing 21 per cent of the c...

Reducing Emissions from Livestock


Reducing or mitigating greenhouse gas emissions In animal agriculture

Measures to mitigate or reduce greenhouse gas emissions must be weighed on a farm by farm basis, as types of animal production among species and geographic locations are extremely diverse. There is no magic bullet or one size fits all solution to reduce greenhouse gas emissions among animal agriculture....

Reducing Emissions from Livestock