Avenue Cotton stalk to value

Theme : Enzyme based ethanol production with recycling technology

Innovation relevant to : Ethanol industry professionals, Oil companies, Cellulosic feedstock pretreatment equipment makers, Ethanol hydrolysis and fermentation solution providers, Enzyme companies,

Indigenous technology to convert agro waste to ethanol by DBT-ICT

Agricultural waste is currently being burnt causing air pollution. DBT-ICT has developed indigenous tech using enzymes to convert agro waste to ethanol.with continuous process, advanced reactor design and separation technologies

Source : The Better India

Innovation Highlights

  • Conversion duration - less than 24 hrs
  • 90% enzyme and water recycling, which reduces operational cost
  • Principle: Enzyme based processing with recycling technology


Cotton stalk to ethanol

Enzyme recycling for 2G ethanol

Indigenous tech for 2G ethanol





Innovation done by

Research organization

other stakeholders

Process engineering professionals

Biofuel consultants

University researchers in cellulosic ethanol